The general election in United Kingdom not very far away

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The general election in United Kingdom not very far away

I wonder who will be the clear winner ,since the current PM announced to be the underdog.Will He and his party pull out extra strength to overcome the odds.What they need to win. Add your point of view .

The general election in United Kingdom not very far away

In fact on the 6th of May 2010 a new chapter will be introduce. In my opinion the Labour will win by the lowest of margin. Why i think of that , well the working population and middleclass will not risk any changes to loose what they have still in very fragile economy. Better to have things as they are than some new negative twisters.

The general election in United Kingdom post facts

As far as i can see the new government coalition will last good few years ,maybe even until the next one . The PM and his Deputy are very keen to introduce new reform packages . so far no major dispute among them and their party members . Good luck to them and to the Nation overall .
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